
Launch of networking group for manufacturers and researchers

Launch of networking group for manufacturers and researchers

UOW has initiated bringing together innovative manufacturers in the region with university researchers to form a Southern Manufacturing Innovation Group.

The Group was officially launched by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Judy Raper, at UOW’s Innovation Campus on Wednesday 13 May.

A series of themed ongoing networking events will be run to provide a forum for manufacturers in the region to connect with researchers from UOW.

“The aim of this group is to create a three-way exchange of ideas and specific collaborative opportunities. The common characteristics of the group are innovativeness, and interest in learning from each other as well as collaborating on projects,” according to CEO iAccelerate and Director of Innovation and Commercial Research at UOW, Dr Elizabeth Eastland.

Discussion topics will be determined in conjunction with participating organisations and may include areas such as new product development and process improvement. Researchers from a range of disciplines at UOW will present their research in those areas.

“The floor will be open to companies to discuss their own experiences, challenges or opportunities,” Manufacturing and Innovation Leader of Global Challenges at UOW, Professor Geoff Spinks said.

“UOW has a long history of industry engagement. We are part of a region that was founded on manufacturing and is now facing transformation. UOW is deeply committed to the future and vitality of this sector. Establishing a forum for collaboration is just one way we aim to support ongoing development,” he said.

Through the Global Challenges Program, researchers from a variety of disciplines collaborate to problem-solve issues having an impact locally, nationally and internationally. This includes transforming traditional manufacturing bases through innovative technologies.

More information: globalchallenges.uow.edu.au.