
Linklaters Intervarsity Moot winners
Linklaters Intervarsity Moot winners

UOW team wins UTS Allens Linklaters Intervarsity Moot

UOW team wins UTS Allens Linklaters Intervarsity Moot

Congratulations to UOW Law students Liam Webb, Byron Turner and Baladev Dayaram, who recently won the UTS Allens Linklaters Intervarsity Moot!

A team of mooters from UOW School of Law has just won the UTS Allens Linklaters Intervarsity Moot!

There were 15 teams competing, including teams from Canberra, USyd, UNSW, and Newcastle. The UOW team competed in 5 rounds over Saturday and Sunday, against various universities. They made it through to the semi-finals on Sunday evening and, after a long battle, persevered to make it into the Grand Final last night against ANU at Allens Linklaters in Sydney.

They argued the Grand Final in front an esteemed bench, including Chief Justice Bathurst of the Supreme Court of NSW. They each received a trophy and high praise from the Chief Justice.