
9 questions to ask at a careers market

Careers markets are a great opportunity to get to know UOW and gain a clearer idea of your future study plans.

1. What can I study?

It seems like a no-brainer, but course names vary from uni to uni, and college to college. For example if you're interested in a career in business, this may be called 'commerce' or 'business administration', depending on who you're speaking to. Take some time to explore your interests during a careers market, and see what best aligns with your goals or career plan.


2. Do I meet the entry requirements?

Most of the time, you can get into a degree with an appropriate ATAR, Selection Rank or IB. Apart from our education degrees, UOW courses do not have prerequisite subjects. However, there are recommended subjects - if you haven't studied those subjects in your final year of high school you may find the degree difficult. Other universities may have HSC prerequisites to get into certain degrees, so be sure to check.


3. Can I get in early?

With UOW's Early Admission program, you could secure a place at UOW before you sit your first exam. Early entry program details will vary significantly from one uni to the next, so be sure to get as much information as you can when you're talking to unis.

Prospective students talk to UOW staff at a uni event


4. Is the degree industry accredited?

An industry-accredited degree will give you a clear advantage when applying for jobs. If you have a specific career in mind - like being a psychologist or dietitian - you'll need to know if further study or industry experience is involved before you're fully qualified.


5. What if I don't get the ATAR-SR or IB I need?

It's important to know your options, so be sure to ask if there are other degrees in the same study area you may qualify for, and if you can transfer from one degree to another (e.g. business to law). You'll also want to know about the available adjustment factors (previously known as 'bonus points'). UOW offers three types of adjustment factors, and students can receive up to 11 adjustment points that can be added to your ATAR to create your Selection Rank. You should also explore courses at for a guaranteed pathway into UOW.


6. What job prospects will I have?

It's important to know what careers will be in demand in the future and what job-seeking assistance the uni provides - like UOW's Careers Central workshops and work-integrated subjects. While you're at it, explore what practical learning opportunities (job placements, work experience, internships, etc.) are available. The more hands-on experience you get, the better prepared you'll be. And don't forget, UOW graduates are rated highest in NSW for employer satisfaction, so you'll be in good company.

A UOW careers counsellor talks to a student


7. Are scholarships available?

Which ones are available to students starting their degree? Which ones are for regional students, high achievers or students experiencing hardship? Remember, not all scholarships and grants are awarded for academic excellence - UOW also offers a range of scholarships for community service, relocating to study and overcoming unfair disadvantage.


8. Can I study overseas?

While 2020 and 2021 haven't been the time for travel, global online learning opportunities are available and studying overseas may be an option further down the track once international borders re-open. Study abroad and exchange programs are invaluable, allowing students to broaden their educational experience by combining study and travel. UOW has partnerships with more than 250 universities in 45 countries and offers a suite of short-term and semester-long overseas programs. Be sure to explore our study abroad grants to help cover the costs.


9. Where will I live?

If you're thinking about uni accommodation options there are some key things to consider. Do you want catered? On-campus or off-campus? If it's off-campus, how do you get to class? What kind of student community activities can you get involved in? When do you have to apply and how much is it? Finding the right place to live can be stressful, so be sure to get as much accommodation info session so you can to help take the pressure off.

Now you're armed with all your questions, the UOW team is looking forward to answering them all for you!

Missed us at a careers market? You can contact us directly or join as at an upcoming event, so we can help you on you way to studying at UOW.

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