
9 things we all do to avoid study and how procrastination can help

From snacking to chatting and cleaning the house, sometimes we will do anything to avoid study.

  1. Snack time! Check fridge. Nothing to eat. Lower standards and repeat.
  2. Reply to message on phone. Might as well check Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram while I'm at it.
  3. Music helps me study. I should spend four hours making a killer playlist.
  4. I should clean my desk first, and then post a pic on Instagram #ReadyToStudy
  5. My bottle of water is almost half empty. I better fill it up.
  6. I've studied hard (for 10 minutes). I deserve a Netflix break.
  7. It's 11.13am. That's close enough to lunchtime, right?
  8. I'll just watch one more video before studying… aaaand it's midnight.
  9. I should spend more time with the dog… I really don't give him enough attention.

Here's the trick

Procrastination. You may think it's just a dirty word your parents use to make you feel lazy. On the contrary, folks, procrastination can become your secret study weapon.

You see, procrastination doesn't mean you're doing nothing. Quite often you're just doing other tasks - like colour co-ordinating your wardrobe - to avoid studying. You can use this to your advantage.

Structured procrastination

This is is a technique that involves creating a to-do list with seemingly important or large tasks - other than study - right at the top. This could include things like 'learn a new language' or 'make a budget'. The theory is if you regard these new tasks as undesirable and they have a flexible deadline, then studying will start to look like the easier choice.

You're basically tricking yourself into studying. Take that, brain!

It also helps to break the huge task of study into smaller tasks, like 'review Modern History notes for 30 minutes'. You can even add a couple of easy tasks to your list - like eating breakfast - because ticking things off a list makes you feel like a productive human being and gets you on a roll.

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