
A student's guide to healthy study snacks

Hungry? Peckish? Procrastinating? These are for you.

Air-popped popcorn

Popcorn is full of fibre and antioxidants. You can keep it healthy by choosing to add spices instead of loads of butter and salt. Snack on some while you watch some (obviously study-related) videos. It is just like being at the movies!

Popcorn in a bowl.


Hummus and veggie sticks

It is easy to get your five veg a day when you have a tub of hummus by your side. Simply chop up whatever vegetable takes your fancy – carrot is my personal favourite – dip and enjoy. Hummus is super nutritious and packed with plant-based protein, which helps muscle growth, recovery and immune function. Best of all, it tastes delicious. Why else would there be a  page on Facebook?

Hummus and olive oil in a bowl.

Peanut butter and apple

Believe it or not, peanuts are packed with nutrients and energy that will help keep you focused during those long study sessions. Avoid nasties like refined sugars by purchasing natural peanut butter. It is one of the best sources of protein and good fats. Spread some on whatever you choose – celery, bread, apples… anything goes well with peanut butter! My sincerest apologies go out to anyone with peanut allergies. You’re missing out.

Peanut butter and apple on a cracker.


Roasted chickpeas

To some, this may sound strange but, chickpeas are my go-to snack! They are full of fibre, protein and most importantly, flavour. You can enhance this even further with seasonings – paprika for a beautiful smoky flavour or honey if you’re sweet toothed! I would suggest preparing them in advance so that you can snack on them whenever you need.

Chickpeas in a bowl.



It’s all about balance. Have a few blocks of chocolate to reward yourself every now and then. You deserve it!

Cracked chocolate.

All story credit to Bachelor of Commerce student Isabella Panozzo.

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