
How to win at home schooling. As a student.

Dos and don'ts of learning at home.

Learning is a great way to be spending your time in lockdown, but it’s important to make home schooling work for you. So, if you want to know how to be the best at-home student you can possibly be, read on…

DO: Get comfy

You're going to be spending a lot of time in one place as you learn from home and adapt to home schooling, so it's important to feel comfortable so you can be as productive as possible.

Find a space you can make your own. Ensure you have a solid surface for your laptop or device, where your screen is at eye-level and about an arm's length away from you. You'll also need a chair that feels comfortable and supports your back, and somewhere nearby to place your books and other essential items. Maybe even add a plant to make the space feel bright and enjoyable.

DON'T: Learn from your bed or the couch

We all struggle to get out of bed in the morning, especially with everything that's going on at the moment, but trying to do home schooling from your bed or the couch just isn't going to work. You'll be less productive and it means you can't separate 'study' and 'home' life, which is super important during the current circumstances. So, do yourself a favour and don't fall into this trap.

DO: Stick to your normal school schedule

As well as starting and finishing home schooling at the same times as normal school, take your usual breaks, too. Go outside and play with the dog, or take a walk for some fresh air and exercise at lunch (while #socialdistancing, of course).

DON'T: Get distracted

With no teachers telling you to put your phone away, getting distracted by all those notifications will be even easier when you're learning at home. Although we all love and need our phones, don't let yours take over during home schooling. Put it on silent, turn it off or just keep it out of sight while you're studying. It'll still be there waiting for you when you're done at the end of the day.

DO: Keep in touch

Check in on your school friends and family to help maintain those all-important social connections and a positive sense of wellbeing. And don't forget about your teachers, too. Reach out to them and let them know how you're going - they'll be so pleased to hear from you and will want to support you in every way they can over the next few months.

DON'T: Go quietly

If you're struggling with home schooling, or you're finding the current circumstances too overwhelming, please don't go quiet. Phone a friend, talk to your family, reach out to a teacher or contact support services or , but don't keep it all to yourself. There are plenty of people around you who will be able to help you through.

You'll also need your family to rally around and help you succeed. Whether it's making sure your younger brothers and sisters don't disturb you while you're studying, helping you to set up your home school space, or just being there at the end of the day to talk to about all the things you're looking forward to once all this is over, your family's support is priceless.

DO: Remember everyone is adjusting

The current situation is asking everyone around the world to make big changes to the way they live. Things are changing daily and we all need time to adapt and adjust. There will probably be a few bumps in the road as we learn new ways to work and study, and you might find yourself feeling frustrated that things aren't going the way you want or need them to. Give it time, be patient and look after your friends, family and loved ones during these tough times. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it might feel far away right now.

DON'T: Forget to contact UOW

We're here for you too! We know you're faced with unprecedented challenges right now, and we're committed to providing you with as much assistance as possible so you can successfully complete your final year of school and transition to uni. That's why we're delivering free subject-specific online sessions as part of our HSC Subject Support Series. Designed to help you improve your knowledge and understanding of key subject content and find out what HSC exam markers are looking for, These sessions will help you improve your knowledge and understanding of key subject content, and find out what HSC exam markers are looking for. Check out the sessions and register now.

It's also a good time to start thinking about UOW Early Admission, our early entry program for Year 12 students. Earning a place at UOW before you sit your first exam means less stress, more certainty and a secure path to university. Rather than relying exclusively on an ATAR, we'll assess the results you've got so far and can reward you with an early offer for your chosen degree (or degrees).

You can also contact us with any questions you might have, or . We'd love to hear from you.

Main photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash.